Org-drill and spaced repetition

When it comes to spaced repetition software, Anki is probably the most popular option. It is free software, provides syncronization with an online server, has both desktop and Android applications, and it is capable of rendering arbitrary Latex and multimedia. I would recommend Anki to anyone starting with spaced repetition.

However, I do not myself use Anki; I have been using org-drill for a few months. The primary reason being Emacs. I really like having all the cards in plain text and editing them from the text editor. Org-mode has latex and multimedia support, and most of my math notes are already there. Its big drawback is that it currently cannot be used directly from the mobile phone (Termux is an option, but it won’t render Latex); a spaced repetition Android app supporting the org-drill format would be great.

If you are not yet committed to Anki and you are already confortable with Emacs, it could be a good idea to try both before settling on one.

Last edited 2020-04-25 12:12:10 by Mario Román (code).