- Directions and Perspectives in the λ-calculus (Bologna). Elena Di Lavore presented Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming.
- ARIA Meeting (Birmingham), Davidad’s project for ARIA.
- ACT23 (Maryland), presented Collages of String Diagrams; James Hefford presented Optics for Premonoidal Categories; Elena Di Lavore presented Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories.
- LiCS (Boston), Elena Di Lavore presented Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories.
- CatNip (Edinburgh). Elena Di Lavore presented Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories.
- FRA3 (Oxford). Participated in the Finding the right abstractions for healthy systems workshop, invited by Eliana Lorch and David ‘davidad’ Darlymple.
- FRA2 (San Francisco). Participated in the Finding the right abstractions for healthy systems workshop, invited by Topos Institute.
- NWPT22 (Bergen). Presented Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories.
- SYCO 9 (Como, Insubria). Pim de Haan presented our work “Cyclic Causal Networks via Partial Markov Categories”. Visited Nicoletta Sabadini.
- LiCS (Haifa). We received the Kleene Award to the best student paper at LiCS 2022 for “Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming”, a distinguished paper at LiCS joint with Elena Di Lavore and Giovanni de Felice. The recognition was ex aequo with Montacute and Shah’s “The Pebble-Relation Comonad in Finite Model Theory”.
- Applied Category Theory Adjoint School (Glasgow). I joined the Applied Category Theory School as a Teaching Assistant on Nicoletta Sabadini’s group.
- Visited Filippo Bonchi at Pisa.
- FMCS (Calgary). Presented Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming.
- NWPT21 (Reykjavik). Presented Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming.
- ACT21 (online). Presented A Canonical Algebra of Open Transition Systems.
- Visited Nicoletta Sabadini at Como.
- ACT20 (MIT, online). At the Applied Category Theory conference I presented Open Diagrams via Coend Calculus and Profunctor Optics, a Categorical Update. Giovanni de Felice presented our work on language games.
- PhD. I started a PhD position at the Compositionality group at Tallinn University of Technology, under the supervision of Pawel Sobocinski. November 2019
- MSc. I finished the MSc in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Oxford. My MSc thesis is on the ArXiv. September 2019.
- CAP Days. I participated on the CAP Days 2018 Workshop at Siegen, on computational homological algebra. August 2018.
- Degree. I finished a degree in Mathematics and a degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Granada.
- LibreIM. Together with David Charte and Ignacio Cordon, we started LibreIM, a community for mathematics and open source computer science in Granada. February 2014.