Promonads and String Diagrams for Effectful Categories (Román, 2022)
Alan Jeffrey (in 1997) articulated a string diagrammatic syntax for the semantics of imperative programming: an extra wire was employed for global effects. This paper promotes Jeffrey’s techique into a freeness, soundness and completeness proof of a graphical calculus of premonoidal and effectful categories. In the same way that monoidal categories are pseudomonoids in the bicategory of categories, effectful categories are pseudomonoids in a monoidal bicategory of promonads.
Abstract. Premonoidal and Freyd categories are both generalized by non-cartesian Freyd categories: effectful categories. We construct string diagrams for effectful categories in terms of the string diagrams for a monoidal category with a freely added object. We show that effectful categories are pseudomonoids in a monoidal bicategory of promonads with a suitable tensor product.
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