Mario Román


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regular monoidal language

Last updated Jan 8, 2025

Definition (Monoidal regular language). A non-deterministic monoidal automaton $(Γ, S, ϕ,i,f)$ is given by a polygraph of symbols $Γ$, a set of states $S$, a pair of initial and final states $i,f ∈ S$, and a transition relation $ϕ_t ﹕ S^{⊗n} → S^{⊗m}$ for each symbol $t ∈ Γ(n;m)$. Note that the transition function $ϕ_{n,m} ﹕ Γ(n;m) → Rel(S^{⊗n},S^{⊗m})$ extends to a functor $ϕ^{\circledast}﹕ Γ^{\circledast} → Rel_S$.

A word $w ∈ Γ^{\circledast}$ is accepted if there exists a transition to the final state, $f ∈ ϕ^{\circledast}_w(i)$. A monoidal regular language is a set of words that arises as the set of words accepted by a monoidal automaton.

