{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-} open import Base module EquationalReasoning {ℓᵢ} {A : Type ℓᵢ} where -- Common combinators for equational reasoning. They allow us to -- write proof in an equational style. These versions have been -- adapted from the old version of the HoTT-agda library. infixr 2 _==⟨_⟩_ _==⟨_⟩_ : (x : A) {y z : A} → x == y → y == z → x == z _ ==⟨ p1 ⟩ p2 = p1 · p2 infix 3 _∎ _∎ : (x : A) → x == x _∎ = refl infix 1 begin_ begin_ : {x y : A} → x == y → x == y begin_ p = p