{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

-- Agda-hott library.
-- Author: Mario Román

-- Hedberg.  Hedberg's theorem proves that any type with decidable
-- equality (the natural numbers, the booleans) is a set, meaning that
-- it has no higher homotopical structure.

open import Agda.Primitive
open import Base
open import Equality
open import equality.FunctionExtensionality
open import logic.Relation
open import logic.Propositions
open import logic.Sets

module logic.Hedberg {} where

  module HedbergLemmas (A : Type ) where
    -- A set is a type satisfiying axiom K.
    axiomKisSet : ((a : A)  (p : a == a)  p == refl a)  isSet A
    axiomKisSet k x _ p (refl _) = k x p
    -- Lemma: a reflexive relation on X implying the identity proves
    -- that X is a set.
    reflRelIsSet :  (r : Rel A) 
      ((x y : A)  R {{r}} x y  x == y) 
      (ρ : (a : A)  R {{r}} a a) 
      isSet A
    reflRelIsSet r f ρ x .x p (refl .x) = lemma p
        lemma2 : {a : A} (p : a == a)  (o : R {{r}} a a) 
          transport  x  a == x) p (f a a o) == f a a (transport (R {{r}} a) p o)
        lemma2 {a} p = funext-transport-l p (f a a) (f a a) (apd (f a) p)
        lemma3 : {a : A} (p : a == a) 
          (f a a (ρ a)) · p == (f a a (ρ a))
        lemma3 {a} p = inv (transport-concat-r p _) · lemma2 p (ρ a) ·
                       ap (f a a) (Rprop {{r}} a a _ (ρ a))
        lemma : {a : A} (p : a == a)  p == refl a
        lemma {a} p = ·-cancellation ((f a a (ρ a))) p (lemma3 p)
    -- Lemma: if a type is decidable, then ¬¬A is actually A.
    lemDoubleNeg : (A + ¬ A)  (¬ (¬ A)  A)
    lemDoubleNeg (inl x) _ = x
    lemDoubleNeg (inr f) n = exfalso (n f)
  open HedbergLemmas public

  -- Hedberg's theorem. A type with decidable equality is a set.
  hedberg : {A : Type }  ((a b : A)  (a == b) + ¬ (a == b))  isSet A
  hedberg {A} f = reflRelIsSet A
                (record { R = λ a b  ¬ (¬ (a == b)) ; Rprop = isPropNeg })
                doubleNegEq  a z  z (refl a))
      doubleNegEq : (a b : A)  ¬ (¬ (a == b))  (a == b)
      doubleNegEq a b = lemDoubleNeg (a == b) (f a b)

      isPropNeg : (a b : A)  isProp (¬ (¬ (a == b)))
      isPropNeg a b x y = funext λ u  exfalso (x u)