{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

-- Agda-hott library.
-- Author: Mario Román

-- SetTruncation.  An analogous form of truncation for Sets instead of
-- Propositions. It truncates any higher-dimensional homotopical
-- structure.

open import Base
open import Equality
open import logic.Propositions
open import logic.Sets
open import equivalence.EquivalenceSet

module logic.SetTruncation where

    -- Higher inductive type
    data !∥_∥₀ {} (A : Type ) : Type  where
      !∣_∣₀ : A  !∥ A ∥₀

  ∥_∥₀ :  {} (A : Type )  Type 
   A ∥₀ = !∥ A ∥₀

  ∣_∣₀ : ∀{} {X : Type }  X   X ∥₀
   x ∣₀ = !∣ x ∣₀

  -- Any two equalities on the truncated type are equal
  postulate strunc : ∀{} {A : Type }  isSet  A ∥₀

  -- Recursion principle
  strunc-rec : ∀{ℓᵢ ℓⱼ} {A : Type ℓᵢ} {P : Type ℓⱼ}  isSet P  (A  P)   A ∥₀  P
  strunc-rec _ f !∣ x ∣₀ = f x

  -- Induction principle
  strunc-ind : ∀{ℓᵢ ℓⱼ} {A : Type ℓᵢ} {B :  A ∥₀  Type ℓⱼ}  ((a :  A ∥₀)  isSet (B a))
              (g : (a : A)  B  a ∣₀)  (a :  A ∥₀)  B a
  strunc-ind _ g !∣ x ∣₀ = g x