{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

module Reals where

open import Base
open import Booleans
open import Equality
open import Prop
open import Naturals using ()
open import Dyadics-Properties

-- The following is a construction of the positive real numbers using
-- Dedekind cuts. A cut is a propositional predicate over the rational
-- numbers that determines which rationals are greater or equal than the
-- real number. A real number must be
--   * bounded, meaning that the cut must be inhabited;
--   * rounded, meaning that the cut must be an upper-unbounded and
--     nonclosed interval.
record ℝ⁺ : Set where
  constructor real
    -- Dedekind cut
    cut : F  Set
    isprop : (q : F)  isProp (cut q)

    bound :  q  F , cut q
    round1 : (q : F)  cut q   p  F , ((p < q  true) × cut p)
    round2 : (q : F)  ( p  F , ((p < q  true) × cut p))  cut q
open ℝ⁺ {{...}} public

real-eq' : (a b : ℝ⁺)  ((f : F)  cut {{a}} f  cut {{b}} f)  a  b
real-eq' (real cuta ispropa bounda round1a round2a) (real cutb ispropb boundb round1b round2b) α with funext α
real-eq' (real cuta ispropa bounda round1a round2a) (real .cuta ispropb boundb round1b round2b) α
  | refl with prop-eq | bound-eq | round1-eq | round2-eq
    prop-eq : ispropa  ispropb
    prop-eq = (pi-isProp λ n x y  funext λ z  funext λ w  uip (x z w) (y z w)) ispropa ispropb
    bound-eq : bounda  boundb
    bound-eq = Ex-isProp bounda boundb
    round1-eq : round1a  round1b
    round1-eq = (pi-isProp λ a x y  funext λ z  Ex-isProp (x z) (y z)) round1a round1b
    round2-eq : round2a  round2b
    round2-eq = (pi-isProp λ a x y  funext  x₁  ispropb a (x x₁) (y x₁))) round2a round2b
real-eq' (real cuta ispropa bounda round1a round2a) (real .cuta .ispropa boundb round1b round2b) α
  | refl | refl | refl | refl | refl = refl

real-eq : (a b : ℝ⁺)
   ((f : F)  (cut {{a}} f  cut {{b}} f))
   ((f : F)  (cut {{b}} f  cut {{a}} f))
   a  b
real-eq a b α β = real-eq' a b lemma
    lemma : (f : F)  (cut {{a}} f  cut {{b}} f)
    lemma f = propext (isprop {{a}} f) (isprop {{b}} f) (α f) (β f)

-- Examples of real numbers. Zero is a real number. Each rational
-- determines a real number.
r0 : ℝ⁺
r0 = record
  { cut = λ x  zero < x  true
  ; isprop = λ f  uip
  ; bound = one ,, <one
  ; round1 = λ f x  (half * f) ,, (<halfless f x , <halfpos f x)
  ; round2 = λ f x  Ex-elim x uip λ { (r , (α , β))  <trans zero r f β α }

rat : F  ℝ⁺
rat q = record
  { cut = λ x  q < x  true 
  ; isprop = λ f  uip
  ; bound = (one + q) ,, <plusone q
  ; round1 = λ { f x  mean q f ,, (<mean-min-true q f x , <mean-max-true q f x) }
  ; round2 = λ f x  Ex-elim x uip λ { (r , (α , β))  <trans q r f β α }

-- Addition is an operation on real numbers. Addition is
-- commutative. This is an example on how theorems on the real numbers
-- could be proved.
infixl 30 _+ᵣ_
_+ᵣ_ : ℝ⁺  ℝ⁺  ℝ⁺
a +ᵣ b = record
  { cut = λ x   y  F , ( z  F , ((cut {{a}} y × cut {{b}} z) × (y + z  x)))
  ; isprop = λ f  Ex-isProp
  ; bound =
     Ex-elim (bound {{a}}) Ex-isProp λ { (y , α) 
     Ex-elim (bound {{b}}) Ex-isProp λ { (z , β) 
     y + z ,, (y ,, (z ,, ((α , β) , refl)))
  ; round1 = λ f x 
      Ex-elim x Ex-isProp λ { (u , p) 
      Ex-elim p Ex-isProp λ { (v , ((p , q) , refl)) 
      Ex-elim (round1 {{a}} u p) Ex-isProp λ { (i , (ia , ib)) 
      Ex-elim (round1 {{b}} v q) Ex-isProp λ { (j , (ja , jb)) 
      (i + j) ,, (<pluscomp i j u v ia ja , (i ,, (j ,, ((ib , jb) , refl))))
  ; round2 = λ f x 
      Ex-elim x Ex-isProp λ { (r , (α , p)) 
      Ex-elim p Ex-isProp λ { (x , q) 
      Ex-elim q Ex-isProp λ { (y , ((u , v) , β)) 
      Σ-elim (<evd r f α) λ { (d , (γ1 , γ2)) 
      x + half * d ,, (y + half * d ,,
        ((round2 {{a}} (x + half * d) (x ,, (F-lemma2 x (half * d) (<halfpos d γ2) , u)) ,
          round2 {{b}} (y + half * d) (y ,, (F-lemma2 y (half * d) (<halfpos d γ2) , v))) ,
        F-lemma1 x y d f r γ1 β)
r+comm : (a b : ℝ⁺)  (a +ᵣ b)  (b +ᵣ a)
r+comm a b = real-eq (a +ᵣ b) (b +ᵣ a) (lemma a b) (lemma b a)
    lemma :  a b  (f : F)  ℝ⁺.cut (a +ᵣ b) f  ℝ⁺.cut (b +ᵣ a) f
    lemma a b f α =
      Ex-elim α Ex-isProp λ { (x , h) 
      Ex-elim h Ex-isProp λ { (y , ((β , γ) , δ)) 
      y ,, (x ,, ((γ , β) , sublemma x y f δ))  
        sublemma : (x y f : F)  x + y  f  y + x  f
        sublemma x y f p rewrite +comm x y | p = refl

-- Every positive real has a square root.
sqrt : ℝ⁺  ℝ⁺
sqrt a = record
  { cut = λ f   g  F , (cut {{a}} g × (g < f * f  true))
  ; isprop = λ f  Ex-isProp
  ; bound =
     Ex-elim (bound {{a}}) Ex-isProp λ { (g , α) 
     one + g ,, (g ,, (α , F-lemma3 g))
  ; round1 = λ f x 
      Ex-elim x Ex-isProp λ { (g , (α , β)) 
      Σ-elim (<sqbetween g (f * f) β) λ { (r , (γ , δ)) 
      r ,, (<sqless r f δ , (g ,, (α , γ))) 
  ; round2 = λ f x 
      Ex-elim x Ex-isProp λ { (r , (α , h)) 
      Ex-elim h Ex-isProp λ { (u , (β , p)) 
      u ,, (β , F-lemma4 u f r p α) 

cutnonzero : (a : ℝ⁺)  (f : F)  ℝ⁺.cut a f  zero < f  true
cutnonzero a f p = Ex-elim (round1 {{a}} f p) uip λ { (r , (β , _))  cantbezero r f β }

-- A number is located if we can decide whether a rational number is
-- greater or equal than it. This can be used to compute decimal
-- digits of the number. In this example, we provide a locator for
-- sqrt(2) and we use it to compute some of its digits.
Locator : (r : ℝ⁺)  Set
Locator r = (q : F)  (cut {{r}} q)  ¬ (cut {{r}} q)

loc-rational : (f : F)  Locator (rat f)
loc-rational f q with (f < q)??
loc-rational f q | inl x = inl x
loc-rational f q | inr x rewrite x = inr λ y  true≢false (inv y)

locate : (r : ℝ⁺)  Locator r  (q : F)  Bool
locate r loc q with loc q
locate r loc q | inl x = true
locate r loc q | inr x = false

loc-sqrt2 : Locator (sqrt (rat (one + one)))
loc-sqrt2 q with (one + one < q * q)??
loc-sqrt2 q | inl x = inl (mean (one + one) (q * q) ,,
  (<mean-max' (one + one) (q * q) x , <mean-min' two (q * q) x)
loc-sqrt2 q | inr x = inr λ α 
  Ex-elim α  _  λ ()) λ { (f , (u , v)) 
  lemma (one + one) f (q * q) u v x
    lemma :  a b c
       a < b  true
       b < c  true
       a < c  false
    lemma a b c p q r rewrite (<trans a b c p q) = true≢false r

-- Example setup.
sqrt2 : ℝ⁺
sqrt2 = sqrt (rat (one + one))

data List (A : Set) : Set where
  []   : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A  
infixr 45 _∷_

  Bit : Set
  O : Bit
  I : Bit

locateBit : (r : ℝ⁺)  Locator r  (q : F)  Bit
locateBit r loc q with loc q
locateBit r loc q | inl x = O
locateBit r loc q | inr x = I

digits : (r : ℝ⁺)  Locator r  (steps : )  (base ε : F)  List Bit
digits r loc ℕ.zero base ε = locateBit r loc (base + ε)  []
digits r loc (ℕ.succ n) base ε with locate r loc (base + ε)
digits r loc (ℕ.succ n) base ε | true = O  digits r loc n base (half * ε)
digits r loc (ℕ.succ n) base ε | false = I  digits r loc n (base + ε) (half * ε)

-- Compilation through Haskell.
-- agda --compile Reals.agda --ghc-flag=-dynamic && ./Reals
open import Agda.Builtin.IO

  Unit : Set
  printBit : Bit  IO Unit
  printBitList : List Bit  IO Unit  

{-# COMPILE GHC List = data [] ([] | (:)) #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Unit = type () #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC Bit = type Int #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC I = 1 #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC O = 0 #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC printBit = Prelude.print #-}
{-# COMPILE GHC printBitList = Prelude.print #-}

main : IO Unit
main = printBitList (digits sqrt2 loc-sqrt2 10 one half)
-- [0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0]