Module: Environment
Description: Internal state and environment of the interpreter
License: GPL-3

This module contains all the auxiliary logic necessary to represent the internal
state of the interpreter.
module Environment
  -- * Environment
  , context
  , defaultEnv
  , emptyContext

  -- * Reading the environment
  , getVerbose
  , getColor
  , getSki
  , getTypes
  , getExpressionName
  , getTopo
  -- * Modifying the environment
  , addBind
  , changeColor
  , changeVerbose
  , changeSkioutput
  , changeTypes
  , changeTopo

  -- * Filenames and Modulenames
  , Filename
  , Modulename

import           Data.List
import           MultiBimap
import           Lambda

-- | A filename is a string containing the directory path and
-- the real name of the file.
type Filename = String

-- | A modulename is a string naming a module.
type Modulename = String

data Environment = Environment
  { context :: Context
  , loadedFiles :: [Filename]
  , verbose :: Bool
  , color :: Bool
  , skioutput :: Bool
  , types :: Bool
  , topo :: Bool

-- | Default environment for the interpreter.
defaultEnv :: Environment
defaultEnv = Environment
  { context     = emptyContext
  , loadedFiles = []
  , verbose     = False
  , color       = True
  , skioutput   = False
  , types       = False
  , topo        = False

-- | Get current settings
getColor, getVerbose, getSki, getTypes, getTopo :: Environment -> Bool
getColor   = color
getVerbose = verbose
getSki     = skioutput
getTypes   = types
getTopo    = topo

-- | Adds a name binding to the environment
addBind :: Environment -> String -> Exp -> Environment
addBind env s e =
  -- If the binding already exists, it changes nothing
  if s `elem` MultiBimap.lookup e (context env)
    then env
    else env {context = MultiBimap.insert e s (context env)}

-- | Sets the verbose configuration on/off.
changeVerbose :: Environment -> Bool -> Environment
changeVerbose options setting = options {verbose = setting}

-- | Sets the color configuration on/off
changeColor :: Environment -> Bool -> Environment
changeColor options setting = options {color = setting}

-- | Sets the ski output configuration on/off
changeSkioutput :: Environment -> Bool -> Environment
changeSkioutput options setting = options {skioutput = setting}

-- | Sets the types output configuration on/off
changeTypes :: Environment -> Bool -> Environment
changeTypes options setting = options {types = setting}
changeTopo :: Environment -> Bool -> Environment
changeTopo options setting = options {topo = setting}

-- | Given an expression, returns its name if it is bounded to any.
getExpressionName :: Environment -> Exp -> Maybe String
getExpressionName environment expr = case MultiBimap.lookup expr (context environment) of
  [] -> Nothing
  xs -> Just $ intercalate ", " xs

-- | A context is an application between expressions and the names
-- they may have.
type Context  = MultiBimap Exp String

-- | Empty context without any bindings
emptyContext :: Context
emptyContext = MultiBimap.empty