- composing profunctors
- profunctor natural transformation
- profunctor composition is unital
- profunctor composition is associative
- bicategory of profunctors
- motivation for promonads
- promonad
- promonad homomorphism
- Kleisli category of a promonad
- Promonads are id-on-objects functors
- Central product of promonads
- Pure tensor of promonads
- Funny tensor of promonads
- Distributive laws of promonads.
- promodule
Promonoidal categories.
Strong profunctors, with a bit of promonoidals.
- Strong profunctor
- Bimodular profunctor
- pro or not, strong or not
- Strong monad
- Strong promonad
- Prostrong monad
- Prostrong promonad
Monoidal profunctors.
- monoidal profunctor
- monoidal promonad
- Map pseudomonoid
- Lax twisted arrow bicategory
- Mates correspondence
- Convolution and coconvolution
- Duoidal Tambara
- produoidal normalization
- Raudsilla Seminar, November 2022
Monoidal bicategory of profunctors.
- monoidal bicategory of profunctors
- Reading an example on the monoidal bicategory of profunctors
- Open diagram
- open diagrams are pointed profunctors
Profunctors with structure.
- adjunction - multivariable adjunction
- Pointed profunctor
- Lack coherence theorem
- Composition along a channel
- Reversors in profunctors
- promonad natural transformation
Old: old - profunctor. Tags: category theory.