{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

-- Agda-hott library.
-- Author: Mario Román

-- Halfadjoints.  Half-adjoints are an auxiliary notion that helps us
-- to define a suitable notion of equivalence, meaning that it is a
-- proposition and that it captures the usual notion of equivalence.

open import Base
open import Equality
open import Homotopies
open import Composition
open import EquationalReasoning
open import logic.Contractible
open import logic.Fibers
open import logic.Propositions
open import equality.Sigma
open import equivalence.Equivalence

module equivalence.Halfadjoints {ℓᵢ ℓⱼ} {A : Type ℓᵢ} {B : Type ℓⱼ} where

  -- Half adjoint equivalence.
  record ishae (f : A  B) : Type (ℓᵢ  ℓⱼ) where
    constructor hae
      g : B  A
      η : (g  f)  id
      ε : (f  g)  id
      τ : (x : A)  ap f (η x) == ε (f x)
  -- Half adjoint equivalences give contractible fibers.
  ishae-contr : (f : A  B)  ishae f  isContrMap f
  ishae-contr f (hae g η ε τ) y = ((g y) , (ε y)) , contra
      lemma : (c c' : fib f y)  Σ (fst c == fst c')  γ  (ap f γ) · snd c' == snd c)  c == c'
      lemma c c' (p , q) = Σ-bycomponents (p , lemma2)
          lemma2 : transport  z  f z == y) p (snd c) == snd c'
          lemma2 = 
              transport  z  f z == y) p (snd c)   ==⟨ transport-eq-fun-l f p (snd c) 
              inv (ap f p) · (snd c)                 ==⟨ ap (inv (ap f p) ·_) (inv q) 
              inv (ap f p) · ((ap f p) · (snd c'))   ==⟨ inv (·-assoc (inv (ap f p)) (ap f p) (snd c')) 
              inv (ap f p) · (ap f p) · (snd c')     ==⟨ ap ( (snd c')) (·-linv (ap f p)) 
              snd c'
      contra : (x : fib f y)  (g y , ε y) == x
      contra (x , p) = lemma (g y , ε y) (x , p) (γ , lemma3)
          γ : g y == x
          γ = inv (ap g p) · η x
          lemma3 : (ap f γ · p) == ε y
          lemma3 =
              ap f γ · p                                 ==⟨ ap ( p) (ap-· f (inv (ap g p)) (η x)) 
              ap f (inv (ap g p)) · ap f (η x) · p       ==⟨ ·-assoc (ap f (inv (ap g p))) _ p 
              ap f (inv (ap g p)) · (ap f (η x) · p)     ==⟨ ap ( (ap f (η x) · p)) (ap-inv f (ap g p)) 
              inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (ap f (η x) · p)     ==⟨ ap  u  inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (u · p)) (τ x) 
              inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (ε (f x) · p)        ==⟨ ap  u  inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (ε (f x) · u))
                                                             (inv (ap-id p)) 
              inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (ε (f x) · ap id p)  ==⟨ ap (inv (ap f (ap g p)) ·_) (h-naturality ε p) 
              inv (ap f (ap g p)) · (ap (f  g) p · ε y)  ==⟨ ap  u  inv u · (ap (f  g) p · ε y))
                                                             (ap-comp g f p) 
              inv (ap (f  g) p) · (ap (f  g) p · ε y)   ==⟨ inv (·-assoc (inv (ap (f  g) p)) _ (ε y)) 
              (inv (ap (f  g) p) · ap (f  g) p) · ε y   ==⟨ ap ( ε y) (·-linv (ap  z  f (g z)) p)) 
              ε y

  -- Half-adjointness implies equivalence.
  ishae-≃ : {f : A  B}  ishae f  A  B
  ishae-≃ ishaef = _ , (ishae-contr _ ishaef)